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Writer's picturegeorgie

How I Created My Samples & My Experience

When I made my piano samples, I used two microphones and mixed the close mic signal with a farther room signal. The snares are recorded with an sm57 to try to create a recognizable sound. I have an old metal snare from a friend, a wooden snare that was used for some old Coma Cinema/Elvis Depressedly recordings, and a wooden Pearl piccolo snare I bought brand new in 2021. I also have claps, snaps, triangle, and other auxiliary percussion pieces sampled the same way. You can buy my homemade samples here: 

It's my goal to commute very soon my storage unit in NC and collect my wind instruments, cassette tapes, reel tape machine, cassette duplicator and t-shirt printing materials. I can't wait to start printing shirts and shipping tapes for my preorders. If you make music, these samples are absolutely worth the purchase. If you'd like to hear them or hear how I use them, you can listen to any music I've posted in the last three years.

This is a picture of the workspace I finished at my ex Leanne's house in New Jersey where I recorded these sample groups. We were planning to be married in August 2021. Right after I finished creating this studio space in May 2021, she admitted to me that she and her friends set up girls to be assaulted by older guys when she was in high school. She admitted all of this to me right after I'd finished remodeling parts of the house and organized my equipment to create this small music recording and rehearsal workspace. She described to me what these guys would say in texts to one of the girls "you bring the girls, we'll bring the dr*gs." I consider this a form of assault and see it as something incredibly psychologically abusive toward them and toward me. 

My partner told me she was invited to these parties over and over, since she knew her as a kid, but never went because she was straightedge as a teenager. My partner knows a girl who was assaulted at one of these parties. My ex admitted to me that she knew what was going on at these parties. I would never under any circumstance marry someone who did something so cruel so I let my actions speak louder than my words.

I didn't say that much online for a long time because her father is a lawyer. I didn't talk about this in so much detail before because I thought I'd be endangering myself telling people what she did. Honestly, I don't care anymore! Most people in my generation will never own a house. I'm not dealing with a soulless person like that just to have a stable place to live.

The piano samples I created and have for sale are of this old upright piano in the picture. I recorded the snare samples I have for sale in this studio space, as well. I paid $400 for this piano to be moved and I'm still hurt that I only had this piano for a month. The piano was moved in May 2021. She accused me of being a golddigger out of her paranoia, so I gave her 1k in cash from my 2021 stimulus check before leaving in the middle of the night without saying a word. I left New Jersey at the end of June to NYC to stay with friends and try to put my life back together. 

While I lived in NYC, unfortunately I had a few experiences with my friends who treated me badly and in a standoffish way. One friend's girlfriend slyly insulted me when everyone left the room and another one's girlfriend flashed her inner thighs at me when everyone turned around to leave for the night. I genuinely believe my health problems were exacerbated from the stress of this bizarre treatment. This made me feel very ostracized and I left NYC at the start of November 2021 after paying my friends and then moved to North Carolina. When I was moving out, one of my friends claimed I stayed with them for eight months even though I was only there for four months while cooking and cleaning for everyone out of my pocket. Even after moving out of NYC, I dealt with even more unfair treatment from strangers. 

All I can do is explain my situation with no excuses. My life was a mess and I'm doing my best to rebuild. Making music is something I started doing as someone recovering from abuse in the home and self abuse reflecting their treatment as an adolescent. I'm sorry to have treated people in a hostile or suspicious way because I was seriously traumatised. Not an excuse, just my genuine reason or root of cause.

I'm working hard to fill the preorders. I've been able to survive by continuing making music (for my project and as an audio engineer for other musicians). To the people who purchased tapes and shirts on preorder - very soon I'll be to fill all of them! I'm never faking when I show gratitude or give thanks.

I'm learning more and more every day how to handle myself as an adult and as someone trying to create a life for myself as an artist/musician after being abandoned by my family because I didn't want to give them my money after experiencing abuse. I've paid almost 5k in hospital bills in the last few years. I was financially unstable because of my seizures and from living in a hotel after an eviction to stay off of the street (my previous landlord was aware I had seizures and broke my arm from a seizure). To be a one-man band and do all the record keeping while taking care of myself while I experienced epilepsy symptoms due to child abuse from a guardian was really difficult. The truth is I'm not good at anything but the artistic creative stuff which is why I chose that avenue to begin with. People's support allowed me to grow past a lot of things I've gone through but I am still growing and recovering from serious stuff. sincerest apologies and I'm working hard to catch up.

Thank you everyone for listening to my experiences. The last few months, I've taken even bigger steps to improve my health and cut out negative people in my life. It hasn't been easy but I'm doing much better. I will continue to be strong and dedicated to music. I truly appreciate everyone who's been showing their support and understanding. If you'd like to contribute, you can here:

Thanks again, everyone!


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